All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis

You are ALWAYS in control of your mind and body at ALL times!

Hypnosis is one of the best tools to uncover the potential of the human mind. It has been scientifically proven to be effective in creating positive and lasting change.

What is hypnosis

“Hypnosis is a process which produces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, heightened suggestibility, and increased awareness, allowing access to the subconscious mind through the imagination. It produces the ability to experience thoughts and images as real.”  The Wizard Within-The Kranser Method of Clinical Hypnotherapy, A.M. Krasner.

It is literally retraining your brain, your mind, to do what you want it to do, through experiencing deep relaxation.

Why Hypnosis:

  • Discover the power of self-hypnosis

  • Uncover your  focus, inspiration and motivation

  • Recover your ability to create lasting change

  • Control pain, lose weight, quit smoking, sleep better and much more

  • Learn to trust your gut instincts

  • Have your own unconscious breakthroughs

  • Be introduced to the most cutting-edge tools in mind, body, and emotion to create absolute success in all areas of your life.


Hypnosis has been around for thousands of years and in many forms. It can be found in numerous references from ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. Although hypnosis is an ancient process, the modern medical use of hypnosis was acknowledged and formally recognized by the American Medical Association in 1958 by Milton Erickson. It was termed as a complementary healing modality by the British Medical Association in 1955 and the American Psychiatric Association in 1961.

The power of your mind.

The process of hypnosis is simple, with the power of words, phrases, suggestions and imagination you will easily become relaxed to a sleep like state. There are many different techniques used in Hypnosis, from suggestions being direct and indirect, stories and metaphors the possibilites are endless as long as your willing and open to using your imagination. One of the most common feelings one has after a session of hypnosis is deep relaxation and quiet.

Only you can change you!

Hypnotherapy access the unconscious mind part of you which essentially it the part of you mind that runs the show. Here is where you hold all your programs, beliefs, emotions, habits and patterns you do in your daily life. By changing any of these at the level that they are held and created is what makes the last positive change.

When you go into a hypnotic state you feel relaxed and often time like you are just sitting there with your eyes closed. You will be able to always hear my voice and will ALWAYS BE IN FULL CONTROL OF YOUR MIND AND BODY. Your mind goes into a sleep like state where it accesses the Theta brainwaves. All learning, all behaviour and all change happen at the unconscious mind level so what better way to create change than at the level it has been created.

We are often in some kind of state of hypnosis throughout the day - whether it be driving, scrolling on your phone, binge watching a show, doing a routine you do all the time. You are not consciously thinking about these things as they are mindless. This means that the neurons in your brain have lit up the pathway of that activity because you have done it so many times before so it becomes mindless to do it.

The possibilities of hypnosis are literally endless. What ever area of your life you want to change it can help. The more you allow yourself to go into hypnosis for a purpose the easier it will be and the deeper you can go. It’s like riding a bike once you learn how you will ALWAYS be able to do it. The hypnotherapist is there as a guide to help guide you in your mind to the places you want to go.